Dec 25, 2016 – [Sunday] WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Path

Badaling Great Wall, China, taken on December 9, 2016

Before this year, I had been to the Great Wall of China twice, in 1995 and 2004 (I don’t remember the latter but my dad insisted that we did go). This current extended China trip had to include my third visit because I wanted to experience the Great Wall at least once as a grown adult, how ever touristy it may be. The path of the Badaling Great Wall was at times rather steep and difficult to climb, but that didn’t stop the many (already very few compared to holidays!) people that were determined to conquer this section. Life sometimes takes you towards unexpected roads that take stamina and perseverance to conquer, and sometimes you’re going to need a rest. Just take a break and when you’re ready, charge on again! The rewards is in sight!

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